The Patient Communication Board A tool for patient safety and satisfaction
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The Patient Communication Board
A tool for patient safety and satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction Surveys have become a priority for hospitals across the country. They are now score-sheets to measure quality assurance goals. Hospital management and front-line staff are now made aware of compliments and complaints within hours of a survey submission.
The original Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ), consisting of 80 items, was developed in 1976. A more recent version of the questionnaire is the PSQ-III, consisting of 50 items. The PSQ-18 is a short version that takes about 4 minutes to complete.
Items of a Patient Satisfaction Survey include the obvious items of room cleanliness, noise and quality of food. The quality of the patient encounter is an important item. Patients and visitors report dissatisfaction when healthcare personnel come into the room and are uninformed about the patient. Knowing the patient’s name and diagnosis are not enough to produce a cordial experience. Not knowing the lesser facts about a patient is a patient safety issue, wastes time and gives the patient and visitor the impression that staff does not care about the patient as a person.
There is now a way for staff to know these lesser facts within moments.
The Patient Communication Board is a compilation of information to help the patient, staff and visitors. Located near the patient’s bed, the Patient Communication Board keeps the patient informed. The board also helps the staff to know the subtle issues that make a great deal of difference to patient and family.
For example:
  • Vision – Need for glasses or other vision issues
  • Dentation – Use of dentures, food dislikes, food allergies
  • Hearing – Need for hearing aid, hearing loss, comprehension issues
  • Meals – Need for assistance, special utensils, choke risk
Other subtle but important information:
  • Nick name
  • Language barriers
  • Dislikes
Identification of Caregivers:
  • Nurse name per shift
  • Physician name and contact information
  • Patient Advocate or Director of Nursing information
Plan for Today:
  • Tests, appointments, etc
The Checklist Boards Corporation of Rochester, NY has developed Patient Communication Boards for several hospitals. The boards are made of durable solid acrylic, professional in appearance and easy to clean.

UCSF Checklist Board Design
Moffitt Checklist Board Design
Contact: Rick Taylor – www.ChecklistBoards.com - 585-586-0152

September 15, 2015 – Doug Hall – Checklist Boards
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Hospitals use checklists to reduce errors